As a self-defense instructor, I often encounter students who've been victims of abuse. Whether that's bullying or sexual assault, they come to me to learn how to defend themselves.
What I noticed was that despite teaching them physical techniques, they still struggled because of what was going on in their minds.
For a while, I referred them to psychiatrists or psychologists. While I think both fields have their place, they didn't work very well for my students. According to the feedback I was getting, all they were doing was revisiting the past.
I have a saying. "The past doesn't get any better."
The other issue I had was that it took too long. Some of them were in therapy for years with very little change.
At this point, I ran into two personal protection and self-defense pioneers: Dennis Martin and Marcus Wynne.
They had studied Neurolinguistic Programming when it was first introduced. Marcus ran with it, backed by the government, to see if it could be used for accelerated learning and in the development of super soldiers.
His approach differed from anyone else's because it was focused solely on developing combatants. His results were nothing short of amazing. He took a female Swedish Police Officer, trained her for four hours, and she passed the HK-MP5 course, which normally takes an entire weekend.
In another instance that people still rave about, he trained 12 women who'd never fired guns before and put them in a killing house against a SWAT team, and the women won.
I started using his methods to help my students and got amazing results, too.
That led me down the whole "Agents of Change" rabbit hole. I met AJ Puedan at an FMA seminar in Florida, and he invited me to his hypnosis course back in 2003.
Then, it was on to EFT, Lefkoe's elimination of limiting beliefs, and more.
Now, instead of sending students out for years of therapy, I was able to use a combination of those tools to overcome their fear, anxiety, and lack of confidence in a few short sessions.
Recently, I've decided to do that full-time and wean my way out of martial arts.
Two reasons. There are enough people out there teaching people how to fight. I'd rather help the growing number of people suffering from anxiety, depression, and other ailments that respond well to hypnosis.
I've also reached the point where the punishment I put my body through in the military is finally taking its toll. Ruptured discs and trashed shoulders mean it's time to do something more cerebral.
Serving in the Special Forces has sparked my fascination with using the exercises we learned to develop our mindset and train high achievers in personal development, helping them become the most incredible versions of themselves.
The catalyst for going more in this direction was a student called Angie (name changed for privacy reasons). She came to my school after ending up in an abusive relationship.
Her abuser had gotten progressively worse. He'd kicked her out of his car at 2 am on I-85 without her shoes because she said something that upset him. He twisted her arm so hard that her elbow snapped. The final straw was when he tried to shoot her, but the gun jammed.
She left and spent the next three weeks sleeping in her car at the back of a fast food store. As if that wasn't bad enough, she had to change her name and move to another city.
She spoke very quietly, didn't make eye contact, and looked like one of those beaten puppies in the SPCA commercials.
The physical training helped a bit, but it wasn't until I started working with her with the NLP and hypnosis that I got real results.
I am happy to report that she's now happily married and doing great.
Another student came to me whose job was changing light bulbs in the local high school. He seemed withdrawn and a little introverted.
I began working with him on his mindset using the same techniques I used with Angie. Six months later, he took the State exam for his license, opened his own company, and now has a staff of over 60 people, a string of bucket trucks, and contracts with various companies.
So, my mission now is to work with over 10,000 people before I cast off my mortal coil, helping them go from functional to fantastic and overcoming any challenges they face that are caused by less-than-optimal thinking.
Whether that's to help you Quit Smoking, gain control of your weight, face your fears, Chronic Pain Relief, or Eradicating Limiting Beliefs, I'm here to help you.