Your mind has the potential to create the life you want. Whether you're ready to overcome fears, break free from unhealthy habits, or find lasting relief from pain or stress, hypnosis can help.

Through proven techniques and personalized sessions, I'll work with you to unlock the power of your mind and create, meaningful, lasting change.

Remember, You Can't Change A Behavior Until You've Changed The Underlying Belief

What Would You Like To Change Today?

Weight Loss

Diets don't work!! The problem with them is you're trying to change a behavior but you've done nothing to address the underlying belief.

Remember your mother guilting you into eating everything on your plate because of the poor starving kid in Africa? That's just one reason you keep eating even when you're not hungry.

Diets won't change that belief but hypnosis can.

Quit Smoking

  • 1 Pack A Day In NC Equals $3,500.00 A Year!

  • 90% Of Online Daters Won't Date A Smoker

  • Nobody Thinks It's Cool Anymore!!

  • Do I Have To Mention The Health Risks?

Hypnosis a proven method to smoking cessation. So far I have a 93% success rate and we offer a lifetime guarantee. Click the button below to learn more about how we can help you.

Chronic Pain Relief

Over 13 studies have found that hypnosis is more effective at helping alleviate chronic pain than non-hypnotic interventions such as attention, physical therapy, and education.

The studies found that the pain was reduced significantly and consistently in as little as four sessions.

Of course, one of the biggest advantages to hypnosis is that it doesn't involve taking drugs to alleviate the pain.

Click the button to find out more.

Get Rid Of Your Limiting Beliefs

"She would never go out with me"

"There's no way they'd give me the job"

"I'm too old/too young"

"I'm not good enough."

Everybody has limiting beliefs to a degree. Unleash your full potential with hypnosis and eliminate yours.

Eliminate Your Fears

Your fears can hold you back from experiencing a productive, happy life.

Whether it’s a fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of medical procedures, or any other fear, we’re talking about the same concept: an irrational use of the subconscious mind and the imagination.

You know one thing, and yet you’re feeling something else.

With hypnosis you can get your life back. Click the button below and find out how.


Dakota Smith

Hypnotic Shift has been a turning point in my life.

The sessions with Nick have helped me overcome anxiety and several phobias.

My confidence has increased 100 fold and I'm now on a journey to learn hypnosis myself.

The technique Nick uses are not only effective but delivered with such professionalism that I felt I was in good hands from the outset.

Thanks to Nick and Hypnotic Shift for being absolute game changers.

Tim O'Brien

My experience with Hypnotic Shift has been nothing short of amazing.

I'd heard a lot of different opinions about hypnosis and figured the only way to know for sure was to go myself.

I'm so glad I did. Nick was able to help me create the change I wanted in only one session.

I cannot recommend them enough. Do yourself a favor and give hypnosis a try.

You'll be glad you did.


What Is Hypnosis?

The state we call Hypnosis is one of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often accompanied by deep relaxation. It's a technique used to help individuals access their subconscious mind. By doing this, they can be more open to suggestions, ideas, or behaviors that can lead to positive changes.

You often drift into this state several times daily without any help from a hypnotist. (Daydreaming, for example, or being deeply engrossed in a book).

Another aspect of hypnosis is a state of heightened focus. This is when the conscious mind becomes less active, and what we call the subconscious or unconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestion.

These suggestions can influence thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This is what makes hypnosis such an effective tool for chronic pain relief, overcoming phobias, and habit change.

Hypnosis also involves a deep sense of relaxation, which can help with stress and anxiety. This relaxed state is a key component of the therapeutic process.

The bottom line: Hypnosis is a drug-free choice for resolving personal issues and promoting health and wellness.

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Can I Get Stuck In Hypnosis?

No, no more than you can get "stuck" in sleep or daydreaming. Contrary to popular belief, you're not asleep when you're in a state of hypnosis. You can hear everything going on, which is the whole idea.

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Can I Get Stuck In Hypnosis?

No, no more than you can get "stuck" in sleep or daydreaming. Contrary to popular belief, you're not asleep when you're in a state of hypnosis. You can hear everything going on, which is the whole idea.

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Is Hypnosis Safe?

Hypnosis is absolutely safe when performed by a trained professional. However, there are some important considerations:

People with certain mental health conditions, such as severe psychosis or certain personality disorders, may be more susceptible to adverse effects from hypnosis. For these individuals, hypnosis could potentially trigger distressing experiences. That's why, when necessary, we will refer some clients to specialists in the mental health industry that we liaise with.

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Can I Be Controlled While Hypnotized?

No, absolutely not! Think about it for a second. Every hypnotist would be a billionaire because they'd hypnotize their clients to go down and clean out their bank accounts. We could hypnotize bank tellers to hand over all the money.

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Are There Different Types Of Hypnosis?

Yes. Typically there are three types of hypnosis.

Medical, Clinical, or Therapeutic Hypnosis.

Professionals use this to address issues such as pain relief, smoking cessation, phobias, fear of flying, and more.


This is what it sounds like. Your hypnotist will often teach you how to do this to help you achieve your goals without having to revisit their office multiple times.

Entertainment Or Stage Hypnosis:

In this form of hypnosis, the stage hypnotist uses his skills to entertain an audience. The participants are usually extreme extroverts and out for a good time and will perform all sorts of humorous and unusual antics. You'll often find this form of hypnosis at comedy clubs, corporate Christmas parties, and end-of-year college celebrations.

In all of the above situations, the client remains aware and in control and can typically recall what happened during the session.

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Is There A Difference Between A Hypnotist And A Hypnotherapist?

It depends on where you live.

In the UK, for example, any trained hypnotist can call themselves a hypnotherapist. In the US, it depends on which State you live in. Most require someone using the term Hypnotherapist to be a licensed medical health professional with a degree in either psychology or psychotherapy.

A Hypnotist, on the other hand, is someone who's trained in hypnotism. They cannot and do not diagnose anyone. Nor do they treat disorders like bipolarism, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorders etc.

They will often refer clients to psychotherapists if the client is dysfunctional or not at a place in their life where they'll respond positively to hypnosis.

FYI, I network with several psychotherapists, so if you feel that would be helpful, please reach out, and I'll put you in touch.

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What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

Hypnosis is often described as a state of deep relaxation and focused attention. Many people compare it to being in a daydream or a trance-like state. You are aware of your surroundings, but you are more focused on the hypnotist's voice or your inner thoughts.

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What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?

Hypnosis can be used for a variety of purposes, including pain management, stress reduction, overcoming phobias, quitting smoking, weight control, improving sleep, and treating anxiety. It is also used in sports psychology and for personal development.

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Can Anyone Experience Hypnosis?

Yes and no. The state of hypnosis is like that of daydreaming. The teachers talking, and you're looking out the window, thinking about the beach. That's essentially what hypnosis is like. You can still hear the teacher. If he called out your name, you'd register it and tune back in.

Without going too far into the science, you also go into the same state when you're drifting off to sleep or waking up.  (When you go to sleep, it's called Hypnagogia, and when you awaken, it's called Hypnopompia). So, if you have ever daydreamed or gone to sleep and woken up, you can be hypnotized.

The question behind the question is, "Can everyone who sees a hypnotist be hypnotized?" The answer to that is yes if they want to be. Of course, some clients achieve the state known as hypnosis fairly quickly, while others can take longer.

If you challenge the hypnotist to prove you can't be hypnotized, you won't go into hypnosis, and nothing will happen. Of course, nothing changes for you either, so it's self-defeating behavior.

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How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions required for each client is highly individual and depends on their specific objectives and healing journey. Many clients choose to incorporate hypnosis into their regular wellness routine due to its limitless potential for enhancing mental and physical well-being. (For those of you old enough to remember, it's a little like de-fragging a computer, except you're doing it to your mind.)

Of course, particular challenges demand a more tailored and in-depth approach, with some clients needing additional support and care to address their personal struggles. Each person’s situation and experience are unique; we recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Remarkable progress is often achieved after just a few sessions, which can empower clients to address other aspects of their lives that may have been holding them back

In some cases, clients are empowered as they overcome a particular obstacle, enabling them to re-engage with the world from a place of confidence and focus. The possibilities and journey are distinctive for each individual, and at Hypnotic Shift, we acknowledge and celebrate this. Your path to personal growth and transformation is as unique and special as you are.

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Are The Sessions Confidential?

Yes. We treat our clients to the same level of privacy we expect. In other words, 100% confidentiality. The sole exception is when we are legally bound to report to the relevant authorities. That only happens in rare cases where we discover someone's safety is at risk. If, for example, we found out a client intended to hurt themselves, hurt someone else, or is being abused by someone, we would be required by law to report it. That's no different for any mental health professional.

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How Do I Choose My Hypnotist?

Carefully. Hypnotists are not licensed, but they should most certainly be certified.

Sadly, people call themselves hypnotists who have taken a weekend course or watched some YouTube videos. Personally, I'd be looking for someone with a minimum of 200 hours of training in good standing with a recognized body.

Of course there are lots of good hypnotists from which to choose. Me, I'm very good at what I do.

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Do You Guarantee Results

No medical professional can guarantee the outcome of their treatment with 100% certainty. Hypnosis is the same. Your results may vary.

Having said that I'm 100% committed to helping you create the changes you're seeking and, if you're 100% committed as well, the chances of success skyrocket.

Feel free to research the success rate hypnosis has for the change you're seeking and, if you're happy with what you find, let's get started today.

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